Smiths Grove Cemetery Records
The attached information on the City of Smiths Grove Cemetery has been compiled by Bert Higginbotham from Deeds, Deed cards, the Cemetery journal and observations at the Cemetery. The deed card index was started in the 1980’s in an effort to have a definitive list of who owned property in the cemetery and a record of who was buried on which property.
Over the decades all the old records have been lost or destroyed. The oldest document, outside of some old deeds, is a typewritten list of names on monuments compiled by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1938 and the second oldest document is an old cemetery journal that was started in 1947 after the cemetery was deeded from the Odd Fellows to the City of Smiths Grove.
Any such list will have many errors, so if the reader finds errors please email the correct information to the email below. Additionally if any reader has an old deed for lots in the Smiths Grove Cemetery a copy sent to the email below will be greatly appreciated.
- Flowers are required to be placed on monuments – please use flower saddles, vases, urns or shepherd rods.
- No flowers or living growing plants, shrubs, vines or trees are allowed on or around any grave or marker without explicit approval from the City Commission of Smiths Grove.
- Decorations may be placed on graves, including flowers for Memorial Day. Decorations can be placed on graves the Wednesday before Memorial Day but must be removed by the following Wednesday.
- Any flowers or decorations left on any graves the Wednesday following Memorial Day will be removed by the Cemetery.
- No. benches, statues, or outer permanent markers shall be placed in the cemetery other than head and foot stones without explicit approval from the City Commission of Smiths Grove.
- All permanent markers shall have their location marked by the Cemetery Sexton or His/Her agent.
- All burials require coordination with the Cemetery Sexton or His/Her agent, minimum requirements are proof of ownership for the cemetery plot and an outer container of steel or concrete (except) for cremations.
- All monument placements must be coordinated and approved through the Cemetery Sexton or His/Her agent.
- All applicable ordinances and resolutions regarding the Smiths Grove Cemetery are available at Smiths Grove City Hall.
- The cemetery management reserve the right to correct violations of the rules without notice.
- No glassware permitted, and / or other objects that may cause damage to city contracted mowing/maintenance equipment or personnel.
- Shepherd poles, etc., need to be a minimum of 3/8” diameter, aligned within monument rows, (not obstructing path of maintenance equipment).
- All hanging baskets, etc. need 18” clearance above the ground for maintenance/grounds keeping.
Please help us maintain and preserve our cemetery by following the above rules and regulations.